Ashley Edwards

Meet Ashley Edwards, a Customer Service Representative at GlowTouch

Ashley Edwards

Though Ashley Edwards has enjoyed being a Customer Service Representative for more than 10 years, she has only been with GlowTouch since June last year.

“I love interacting with people, “Ashley said recently. “Knowing I get to get up every day and help people and help provide for my family, that’s what keeps me motivated.” She heard about GlowTouch when she was looking for a better opportunity. “The people here…I just love the people here. They really do put people first!”

While the people at GlowTouch are important to Ashley, her family comes first—her husband, Brad, and their 2-year-old son, Jerimiah. “I love spending time with him (Jerimiah). He’s at that age where he’s learning everything. We’re getting him into sports early!” she shared with a chuckle. She also shared some exciting news—Little Jerimiah will be a big brother early June! Ashley and Brad are expecting another boy. “We’re so excited!”

When asked who her mentor or inspiration in life has been, she quickly answered, “My grandfather and my dad…They’ve taught me a lot in life. I look up to both of them.” In addition to her parents and grandfather, Ashley’s two brothers and two sisters also live in the southern Indiana area near New Albany, IN where she is from.

Ashley's family

The past year has been a challenging one for many people. For Ashley, she’s grateful for family being close by, and having a job that allows her flexibility to work from home during a pandemic. It’s during times like these that we truly appreciate what’s important.

And we appreciate you, Ashley! Your gentle, caring nature and positive outlook help put our client’s customers at ease. Thank you, Ashley, for excelling in helping others. We celebrate you today!

Learn more about Ashley…In Her Own Words!

What do you like about your position here?

I’ve always been in customer service (for more than 10 years). I like interacting with different kinds of people.

What keeps you motivated—in your job, and in life?

My family! And knowing I get to get up every day. Working helps me achieve and get the things I want in life.

What has been a challenge for you to overcome as a woman?

I think sometimes in life, being a woman, people judge you a lot. For instance, when you take your car in the shop—They might assume you don’t understand what’s going on and might take advantage of you.

Do you face any challenges today?

COVID-19 has been challenging for everybody. I feel like I stay at home a lot! But I don’t feel like I’m really facing any challenges today.

Who has been your mentor or the biggest inspiration in your life? Why?

My grandfather and dad. They’ve taught me a lot in life. I look up to both of them.

Ashley's Family

Do you have any hobbies? What do you like to do in your spare time? What gives you joy?

I love spending time with my little boy. He’s learning everything! We’re getting him in sports early!
I also make candles. (my best friend since COVID-19). Scents that make me think of the beach, or fresh, blue water are my favorite.

Have you always lived in the Louisville/Southern Indiana area?

I’m from New Albany, then later moved to Clarksville.

What would you say are your “three words”—words that describe you?

“Never give up!”

What message or inspiring words would you like to share with other women, or anyone who may be struggling to find a great career or ‘make it’ in life?

Don’t worry about what other people think about you, just do what makes you happy!

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