The Best Customer Experience Facts From #Opentalk18 To Know

Here’s a look back at TalkDesk’s “Opentalk” event held in San Francisco during November 7 & 8, 2018.

Ready to learn some great customer experience facts? Then you should pay attention to what was shared during TalkDesk’s awesome event Opentalk held November 7-8, 2018, in the lovely city of San Francisco.

The event was packed full of great speakers, innovative entertainment, and fun (or “magic moments,” as TalkDesk called them). So many insightful customer experience facts were shared at #Opentalk18 that it’s hard to pick and choose.

Here are some great ones. If you want to learn more, you’ll just have to mark your calendar to attend Opentalk 2019!

58% of customer service employees trust strangers more than their own manager.

– Nicole Paradise

This crazy fact was shared by Nicolle Paradise, Keynote Speaker and Senior Director of Customer Experience at ADP. If employees don’t feel confident in their own manager, how can they possibly feel enthusiastic about working for your company?

Nicolle shared another fact that demonstrates that many companies haven’t gotten the memo yet: companies are spending $1 trillion on customers but only $750 million on employees.

Companies are likely to continue to spend more on customers. However, the gap shouldn’t be quite that large. Employee engagement is a key part of creating a successful company. Happy employees stay longer, create a stable company, and make your company win.

At GlowTouch, we know this to be true. Our employees on average stay with the company for 7-8 years and we are grateful to each one. Engagement and growth programs are critical to keeping our employees happy. And when they are happy, it shows in the award-winning outsourced customer service we provide our customers.

Employee happiness doesn’t have to be a complex proposition. Employees and customers both want the same things: to know that you are listening and care about them, and that you will solve their problems. When people trust their managers, they feel safe and therefore perform better. That results in better customer service and a better customer experience.

Soon 85% of Customer Interactions Will Be Handled Digitally.

According to Nicole Granucci, Senior Director Product Marketing, Salesforce Service Cloud, customer service is increasingly moving into the digital realm. Time was, customer service was 70% voice. Voice and digital service are about at a 50/50 split. However, as AI gets more powerful, we’re heading towards 85% of customer interactions being handled via digital channels.

Wondering what you can do to prepare your company for the digital customer experience revolution? A good place to start is by adding chat as one of your channels.

Soon 85% of Customer Interactions Will Be Handled Digitally. #CustomerSupport #CustomerService
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63% of customers say they are more likely to return to a website that offers live chat. This is most likely because 92% of people have a positive customer experience using live chat. Bots and chat can be incorporated together, but more complex AI has a long way to go until it’s ready to go into prime time with customers.

That said, even today, AI can be used on the back end to help customer service agents find relevant information faster. Moreover, the time is fast coming when AI will be used to answer most basic, Tier One type questions. That will leave the more complicated and emotional issues to be handled by specialized, highly educated customer care employees.

80% say the customer experience a company provides is as important as its products.

This fascinating statistic was shared by Tiffani Bova, Global Customer Growth and Innovation Expert at Salesforce. It goes to prove that if you aren’t providing an excellent customer experience, you won’t be able to hold onto your customers.

In fact, 57% have stopped buying from a company because a competitor provided a better experience. In addition, 51% say companies fall short of their expectations. In other words, make customer experience a priority and you’ll already be ahead of more than half the companies out there.

Ready for a few more mind-blowing reasons to keep customer experience high on your list of priorities? 67% will pay MORE for a great experience. In fact, customers will pay 8-15% more for a better experience. Yes, a good customer experience trumps cost.80% Say The Customer Experience a Company Provides Is As Important As Its Products. #CustomerSupport #CustomerService Click To Tweet

Moreover, according to Jeanne Bliss, Founder, and CEO of Customer Bliss, companies that don’t put customers first leave $86 billion on the table. That’s a lot of dough to leave lying around. Don’t you think it’s time your company got its share? You know what to do – now it’s time to go out and do it! Put customer experience at the center of everything you do.

Need some help to cover customer care channels, integrate and monitor customer care tech, or ensure you have the right pieces in place to give your customers an outstanding experience? Maybe it’s time to consider outsourcing your customer care – and that’s what we at GlowTouch are here for. Because in truth, every customer experience stat really centers around this one fact: you only get one chance to make a first impression with your customers, so you had better do it well. Let’s work together to make that first impression outstanding.

About GlowTouch

GlowTouch, a UnifyCX company, combines an industry-leading global support team with AI technology to increase efficiency and deliver an award-winning customer experience. Our expertly trained CX agents leverage AI and machine learning tools to provide customized, efficient solutions across every channel. With personalized omnichannel customer experience solutions, we tailor our services to meet the unique needs of clients worldwide. As a certified NMSDC Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), we take pride in our diverse workforce. Our commitment to operational excellence and high-touch engagement has earned us recognition from renowned organizations such as Everest Group, the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP), and six-time inclusion on the Inc. 5000 list. Headquartered in Louisville, KY, we maintain a global presence with onshore, nearshore, and offshore locations to ensure seamless support for your business needs. To learn more about how we can help you achieve your business goals, visit or email Tammy Weinstein at


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